We're in the final countdown of T minus 3 days before the launch of the new Nourishing Herbalist site!

Consequently, we're keeping things simple around here this week.

But we have some great things in store for you, including:

If ever there was a week to toss real food out the window in the name of convenience, this was the week. Each night this past week our family participated in our church's Vacation Bible School (VBS). My girls were active and eager participants, I taught two 3-year-old classes, and my husband served as chief cook and bottle-washer for the remaining two littles who stayed put at home.

And we were a tired bunch as the week drew to a close.

One of my favorite things to do in July is pick blueberries. Once every year my mom and I rise with the sun and drive to our favorite u-pick farm hidden away in the foothills of the Appalachia mountains.

There we pick side-by-side for hours, chatting about everything under the sun. It's the one time each year that I can count on having my momma's complete attention without any interruption. No babes a-whining. No toddler requests. Nothing. Just her and me and a plethora of plump blueberries. And that, my friends, is a little taste of heaven.

I love kicking off a new week. It inspires the same feelings in me as receiving a brand new journal. The pages are clean. Untouched.

So here we are... And to get things kicked off on the right foot we've decided to move our real food menu plan posts to Monday, instead of Tuesday. Because, well... that just seems like the right thing to do. Who starts their weekly menus on Tuesday, anyway? Silly us.

It's been a rough start to the week around our house. It seems like everyone's sister's neighbor's cousin twice removed is experiencing a summer head cold. We did fairly well to avoid it... until the beautiful 3-day holiday weekend. Of course.

Yes, the very weekend I had set my sights to kick booty on my to-do list... a cold ended up kicking my booty.

And so, after a meaningful pep talk from my husband, I took a dose of my own medicine and went to bed.

Years ago as a newly married gal I attempted to jump on-board the menu planning bandwagon. I was so smitten with my husband and I wanted to do everything. Just. So. And menu planning... that's what all successful homemakers do, right?

My problem? My husband was away at law school most evenings and frequented the corner deli far more than he stepped foot in our gleaming unused kitchen.

In truth, he must have come home at some point, though, because after just 3 months of being married I found myself battling the raging roller coaster of morning sickness and thinking maybe he should have stayed at the deli. Just kidding.

But who wants to think about food at a time like that? So much for being the "successful" homemaker. ::shudder::

We're on the downhill swing of our 42 Day Challenge (week 4 of 6) though we're anything but coasting to the finish. This continues to be a wonderful challenge to get into the healthy habit of eating well and exercising, and we all struggle with that for sure!

In just two short weeks our challenge will be complete (::sniff::), so where are we going from there? Coming up we'll be discussing a common disorder many of us may not have heard of before: Diastasis Recti. This condition affects the abdomen muscles of most mothers and can be largely responsible for that wonderful pooch in our midsections. We've some great exercise tips to share on that front that will help you find your core strength again! And...

I can't believe we're so far into the month of June already! And we're halfway through our 42 Day Challenge, which has been great for removing junk from the body and the pantry.

We're still loving our CSA share and have experienced truly bountiful deliveries, as you can see from last week's picture (at left).

Interested in what our meals were? Take a peek!

If you're a lover of real food, summer is perhaps your favorite time of the year. The veggies are crisp, the fruit is warm from the sun and everything just seems happy. 

Speaking of happy, doesn't that picture make you want to sing?

Summer certainly is my favorite time of year as I love to watch my garden grow (small and suburban though it may be) and to serve my family the fresh produce delivered by a neighboring farmer right to my front door. Yes, you heard right. 

You may have seen that we're taking on a six week exercise challenge to lose the baby weight and ensure our "get up and go" does just that. Six weeks can't be that bad, right?

The quest for vitality demands that we facilitate wellness in all the facets of our health, and diet and exercise go hand in hand. You can't expect great results, no matter what the exercise routine, without quality foods to boost your performance. 

Whether you're joining us in our exercise challenge, mastering one of your own, or just desire a few meal ideas for this week we hope that you'll enjoy perusing through this week's real food menu.

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